Plein Air Painting in Fleming County, KY

I’m visiting some good friends in fleming county, ky. Their home has one of the prettiest views i have ever seen…i seriously could just paint from here for the rest of my life. Watch this album for progress as I paint

I’m visiting my friends Rick Cain Sharon Cain and Rachel S. Wirrig in fleming county, ky. Every time I visit, i tell them their home is like being in a painting…today, I’m going to try to paint this part of their view. Stay tuned for work in progress.
Thumbnail sketch of my view…I’m interested in the winding road crossing the creek, and the yellow field, and the mountains, and the barns…ok, I’m interested in all of it!!! Time to start painting!
I had a little bit of a setback….left my jar of solvent at home!!!!! Fortunately, Rick Cain made a trip to the hardware store, and Sharon Cain had a mason jar i could usthank you both! Now i have some of my darks and lights in muddy paint,. This painting will be a challenge, because it’s partly cloudy with wind…meaning the darks and lights change every few minutes as the clouds move!!! Stay tuned!
Starting to add colors….
More clouds have moved in, so the scene is a little flat….no wait!!!! The sun is back!!!! ….no there it goes again!!!! Well, i keep painting…it’s beautiful no matter the weather!
Its finished!!!! Plein air painting- rick and sharon’s view. Oil on panel.
What a wonderful day!!!! I had a great time painting and catching up with good friends. Thank you again for all your support, friendship and giving my art such a beautiful home!!! Stay tuned, Rick is going to make the frame for their new ken swinson painting (it’s going to look great!)


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