Painting With Friends – Federal Hill – 1 May 2024

painting from life – step 1 – work out the composition and values: no colors

step 2 – figure out what colors you want to use, and get them all on the painting- light is changing fast, so you want to capture the moment

step 3 – work out details and keep painting until its finished, OR the light has changed so much its nothing like the painting

every days a good day when you paint 
-Bob Ross

every day is even BETTER when you paint with FRIENDS!!!
-Ken and Dawn Kincaid

Dawn’s painting
Federal Hill
oil on canvas

My painting!!!
Federal Hill
Oil on Canvas

We chose to paint Federal Hill to bring an artistic flair to the upcoming event to help raise funds to restore the historic property.
Some work local artists (left to right)
Sue Ellen Gorman, Dawn Kincaid, Ken Tucky Swinson + Ruvonna Bevard. Hope you can come see the paintings on 11 May at the event!


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