
  • artZINE in Sandy Hook, KY – about us

    If you are curious about what we do while visiting a different small town each month with Art Zine, we made this video last month in Sandy Hook.

    thanks Tabitha Dial and Sue Ellen Gorman for participating and helping explain our project. and thanks Maddie Gorman for taking the video!

  • Sketching in Downtown Cincinnati

    Sketch Trip In Cincinnati

    Viaje de dibjuo en Cincinnati

  • day 4 – printmaking workshop at the Baker-Hunt Art and Culture Center

    a few snapshots from the last day of our 4 day printmaking workshop at the baker hunt art and culture center. we covered a LOT of printmaking technique in a short amount of time. lucky for me, I had super talented artists for students.

  • ArtZINE – JULY 2018 – Sandy Hook, KY -HOME

    ArtZINE – JULY 2018 – Sandy Hook, KY -HOME

    July 25th, 2018 was our 11th monthly artZINE in Sandy Hook, KY. Our theme was – HOME. We met outdoor at Lakeside Elementary School in Elliot County, KY.  We were particularly excited to visit Sandy Hook because of it’s rich Folk Art Heritage. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here) to see/download/print all the pages from the zine (including 10 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpiaHngxsXo7FzX-Z

    Thanks everyone for participating! August’s artZINE will be in Warsaw, KY. On August 30th. The theme is: LIFE COMES FULL CIRCLE.

    Madison Gorman
    Sue Ellen Gorman
    Joyce Skaggs
    Ken Swinson
    Tabitha Dial
    Misty Skaggs
    Lorie Conley
    Bonita Skaggs Parsons
    Anna Maria Selvaggio – ONLINE ENTRY

    Thank you everyone for participating and a special thank you to Lakeside Elementary School and the Skaggs family for hosting this month’s artZINE. 

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including the 10 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • artZINE June 2018 – Barboursville, WV – The Longest Day

    artZINE June 2018 – Barboursville, WV – The Longest Day

    June 21st, 2018 was our 10th monthly artZINE in Barboursville, WV. Our theme was – THE LONGEST DAY. We met outdoor at Barboursville Park, so the weather was not ideal, still we had a good turnout, and a great time. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here) to see/download/print all the pages from the zine (including 10 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpSayhPHharQKTZvA

    Thanks everyone for participating! July’s artZINE will be in Sandy Hook, KY. We are still waiting to confirm the date and location.

    Larry K. Brumfield
    Kerry Bart
    Rosemary Topie
    David Ryan
    Sassa Wilkes
    Ken Swinson
    Lynn Goodman
    Mark Connelly

    Thanks everyone for participating…especially considering the wet weather.

    and a special thank you to Larry K. Brumfield for hosting this month’s artZINE.

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including the 10 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • Route 62 : Shell Gas Station, Russellville, OH

    Route 62 : Shell Gas Station, Russellville, OH

    I live on US Route 62, and have an idea of a project where I explore the road from end (Niagara falls, Canada) to end (ciudad Juarez, México) this weekend, I took my first trip along the Highway (to Grove city, oh) this is an old highway, and there is a lot of nostalgia from when this was a main road, so and I thought the perfect first linocut for this project would be Skip’s garage in Russellville.

    If you’d like one of the linocuts, I’m selling them for $20 (free shipping to the USA) to raise money for more travel along US Route 62

    4 1/2″ x 6″ hand carved block prints printed on a 8×10″ sheet of printmaking paper, signed by the artist.

    Using an old-fashioned etching press, this is a hand printed work of art, and there is some variety in each print, yours may differ slightly from the photo.

  • artZINE May2018-Mt. Sterling, KY – NEVER AGAIN

    artZINE May2018-Mt. Sterling, KY – NEVER AGAIN

    May 31st, 2018 was our  9th monthly Art Zine in Mt. Sterling, KY. Our theme was – NEVER AGAIN. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here)to see /download/print all the pages from the zine (including the 15 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of our zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpRCLqZdp-dmWU8zh

    thanks everyone for participating! June’s ArtZINE will be in Barboursville on the 21st at Barboursville Park (Shelter #3) our theme is ‘THE LONGEST DAY’

    Kay Schafer
    Anna Tufono
    Vicki Wenz
    Melissa Smathers-Barnes
    Sue Ellen Gorman
    Gayle Massie
    Ken Swinson
    Suzanne Pick

    Thanks everyone for participating…and especially the Montgomery County Public Library for hosting May’s artZine.

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including 15 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • Downtown Cincinnati/Over-The-Rhine Sketch Trip

    Downtown Cincinnati/Over-The-Rhine Sketch Trip

    My studio is in an interesting part of Cincinnati. It overlooks the business district and the historic neighborhood, Over-The-Rhine. If I ever need inspiration I just look out the window

    kentucky artist sketching the view of cincinnati ohio with an ipad v

    There is so much in one view, i can’t fit it all into one sketch.

    Here’s my sketch of downtown. I like the contrast between the old church in the foreground and the modern towers in the background.

    ipad sketch of cincinnati view ohio
    ipad sketch of the pendleton neighborhood in cincinnati ohio

    Over-The-Rhine is unique because of the concentration of old buildings in an urban space. Recently, filmmakers have started coming to OTR to use as a set for New York City in the early 1900s.

    ipad sketch of music hall in the over the rhine neighborhood of cincinnati ohio

    The crown jewel of the neighborhood is  the newly renovated, Music Hall: featured in the middle of this sketch.

    ipad drawing of music hall in cincinnati ohio, over the rhine

    I’ll probably use these sketches as a study for a woodcut(s). There is so much interesting geometry (and all the windows!!!) it would be awesome to print.

    If you would like to visit my studio, it will be open to the public this Friday from 6-10pm. The 8 story warehouse is filled with over 200 art studios to explore. This opportunity only comes once a month. More info here: Pendleton Art Center-Cincinnati.

  • 2 Weeks Of Bullet Journaling

    2 Weeks Of Bullet Journaling

    Organization is not easy for me. I’ll have a broad range of different thoughts at once. It can be a beautiful thing, but quickly tailspin into chaos and dysfunction. I don’t think this is a unique struggle. Since our adoption of so much technology into our daily lives, we have been immersed in an massive amount of information…Not to mention tech companies constantly competing for our attention.  It’s becoming a norm for the people I meet to be overwhelmed, easily distracted and unorganized.

    handmade leather journal by Mea Dewers in Augusta Kentukcy

    Two weeks ago, a friend gave me a quick glimpse at their Bullet Journal. It was filled with colorful drawings and doodles; enough to spark my interest and to want to learn more. You can do a quick web search to learn more about the Bullet Journal. I have been using one for the last two weeks, and here are some of my thoughts:

    Paper Is A Refreshing Change

    animation of bookbinding by hand

    There have been studies that show a hand written note on paper is easier to remember than a note typed into a computer or cell phone.

    Working in a paper notebook has less distractions. The apps on my phone have been designed to constantly try to get my attention. A notebook has no apps and getting away from the phone helps me to focus.

    Its nice to be able to flip through my notebook. I’ll get a glimpse of an ongoing project, and it reminds me to think about it. Often, my digital notes disappear into a void; never to be seen again.

    I Feel Like I Am Staying On Track

    I keep my Bullet Journal open on my desk. The constant visual reminder helps me to stay focused on the day’s goals. Even when I don’t get something done, the unfinished goals follow me to the next day. Now that I have a place to store my random thoughts, I can see the different pieces come togething into something useful.

    Less Frills == Better For Me

    a hand writing in a journal

    The colorful drawings and charts that are possible are what got me interested in Bullet Journaling. I have since learned that a minimal style notebook is a better fit for my personality (for now). I get to draw and use colors all day in my studio, I don’t need a journal for a creative outlet: I need to quickly store and retrieve information. The plain black pen works for me.

    Two weeks might not be enough time to determine whether or not this will be a useful tool or not, but my first impressions are good. Certainly good enough to continue using this system. If you are looking for a system to keep yourself organized, you might consider the Bullet Journal.

    handwriting in a journal

    *Fun Fact: I wrote this blog post on paper before typing it on the computer.

  • New Maysville Panoramic Woodcut

    Last week, I did some sketching around Maysville, KY, and asked my friends on social media…which sketch should I make into a woodcut. The feedback was divided, so I chose #1 of the 3 sketches.

    Here’s my progress so far:

    design on woodblock of maysville kentucky for woodcut printmaking
    I reversed and transferred the sketch onto a block of wood
    first cuts in a reduction woodcut by kentucky artist ken swinson
    Then carved away all the parts I want to be WHITE
    first color in a reduction print of maysville kentucky by ken swinson
    I printed my lightest color: a light, light brown. Then carved the brown areas, and inked again with the second lightest color: light grey
    darker grey print of maysville kentucky by artist ken swinson printmaking
    on porch carving a reduction woodcut with dogs watching
    We are having good porch weather, so on the 3rd day, I sat on the porch, and carved my 3rd color: a light blue
    adding light yellow to a reduction print woodcut
    My 4th and 5th colors  (light green and light purple) were far enough from each other, I was able to print them at the same time
    revealing yellow color for a reduction woodcut

    Stay tuned, I’m carving and printing every day. I’ll have another progress report soon.