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Last week, I spent a week as the ‘Artist In Residence’ at Longbranch Elementary School. Their art program works with a non-profit organization, called Faith 2 Move, to incorporate global awareness into their curriculum. I collaborated with 850 students to make this video about water. Enjoy!
Block Printmaking at ‘Taller la Chicharra’
While in Oaxaca, MX I took a printmaking workshop from Alan Altamirano at the Taller de Chicharra. The inspiration for my print came from the street ‘fiestas’ in the streets of Oaxaca.
Road Trip to Huajuapan de Leon
I had a great time on my road trip over the weekend. Thanks Mimizita for introducing me to you family and village.
yo encante durante mi viaje de la fin de semana. Gracias a Mimizita por me presento a tu familia y pueblo.
Morning Run – Oaxaca, MX
My morning run is so pretty…not sure if it comes through in the video, but I was experimenting with a video app called, hyperlapse, to make it less shaky. hope you all have a great day.
Dia del Taxista – Oaxaca, MX
One thing I love about Mexico, it seems like there’s a celebration for everyone! Today, during my morning run, I ran into this:
tree of life- 3d lighting
I’m learning to model in 3D with the program, Blender, and I am working on lighting. These are best 2 attempts so far:
My goal was to make the fruit on the tree appear like they are glowing.
Not so bright that you can’t see the skin, but an effect more like a paper lantern.
Which one do you like better?
a smooth way to transition between colors on a mesh?
I’m learning Blender, and starting to add color. I’m trying to figure out how to create a soft line between 2 different colors on the same mesh. The best solution I have come up with is to make a UV map, then brush the color by hand.
I’d like a simpler solution. Drawing on the UV map is close, but I would like the transition to be smoother. For example, I don’t want the texture that you see between the bird’s beak and body.
Ducks In A Row – 3D with Blender
I’m learning 3D using the program, Blender.
For this exercise, I built a duck shaped character.After I built him once, I used him a few times to make these compositions.
my next step is to learn how to color the ducks, and give their meshes a little bit of variety. (different positions)3D scene with goat, birds, and lighting
I’m continuing to learn 3D modeling with Blender. For this project, I modeled a bird and house, and arranged them with my goat into a little scene.
I’m not comfortable thinking in 3D yet, so after struggling for awhile, I came up with this simple bird shape. This is pretty close to what I wanted. I still might do some work on the shape of the wings.
I rendered the scene a second time with all of the characters ‘smooth’ instead of showing the geometry. I like both effects, and can’t choose which I like better.
So, that’s my progress report for learning 3D! I really like the way it makes me think about space much different from when I am working on a 2D painting.
3D goat
I am learning 3D modelling with an open source program called Blender. It’s more like sculpting than drawing, and is helping me think about the volume of objects, and how they fit in space.
It’s also like photography, you need to think about camera angles, and the way light affects your subject:
For this model, I used the artwork that I made in Marcos Lucero’s stencil class. It was a good exercise taking my 2d work, and interpreting it into 3D.