Category: artZine


    August 30 th, 2018 was our 12th monthly artZINE in Sandy Hook, KY. Our theme was – Life Turns Full Circle We met at the Gallatin County Public Library in Warsaw, KY.  This artZINE #12 is significant because it completes our FIRST YEAR OF ARTZINE!  When we started this project, we had no idea of how many interesting people and places we would meet. Thank you everyone for participtating and sharing your talents!

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the zine, a printable PDF of the zine, here’s a link to a printable PDF:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpjgERdR-Ec9GzyGk

    Now that we have completed a full year, it’s with a little bit of sadness to let you know we are going to take a hiatus from our monthly artZINES. We need some time to analyze what we’ve learned this past year before restructuring and starting phase 2 of the artZINE project.

    Here are the pages of #12. Click any of the images (or right here) to see/download/print all the pages from the zine (including the 12 different hand painted covers).

    Ellen Noe
    Bonnie Roberts
    Rosemary Topie
    Martha Grout
    Doug Noe
    George Kiragu
    Shalayne Maxwell
    Amy Dickerson
    Linda Eckler
    Peggy Noe
    Ken Swinson

    Thank you everyone for participating and a special thank you to the Gallatin County Public Library and the Noe family for hosting this month’s artZINE. 

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including the 12 handpainted covers) Click Here

  • artZINE in Sandy Hook, KY – about us

    If you are curious about what we do while visiting a different small town each month with Art Zine, we made this video last month in Sandy Hook.

    thanks Tabitha Dial and Sue Ellen Gorman for participating and helping explain our project. and thanks Maddie Gorman for taking the video!

  • ArtZINE – JULY 2018 – Sandy Hook, KY -HOME

    ArtZINE – JULY 2018 – Sandy Hook, KY -HOME

    July 25th, 2018 was our 11th monthly artZINE in Sandy Hook, KY. Our theme was – HOME. We met outdoor at Lakeside Elementary School in Elliot County, KY.  We were particularly excited to visit Sandy Hook because of it’s rich Folk Art Heritage. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here) to see/download/print all the pages from the zine (including 10 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpiaHngxsXo7FzX-Z

    Thanks everyone for participating! August’s artZINE will be in Warsaw, KY. On August 30th. The theme is: LIFE COMES FULL CIRCLE.

    Madison Gorman
    Sue Ellen Gorman
    Joyce Skaggs
    Ken Swinson
    Tabitha Dial
    Misty Skaggs
    Lorie Conley
    Bonita Skaggs Parsons
    Anna Maria Selvaggio – ONLINE ENTRY

    Thank you everyone for participating and a special thank you to Lakeside Elementary School and the Skaggs family for hosting this month’s artZINE. 

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including the 10 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • artZINE June 2018 – Barboursville, WV – The Longest Day

    artZINE June 2018 – Barboursville, WV – The Longest Day

    June 21st, 2018 was our 10th monthly artZINE in Barboursville, WV. Our theme was – THE LONGEST DAY. We met outdoor at Barboursville Park, so the weather was not ideal, still we had a good turnout, and a great time. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here) to see/download/print all the pages from the zine (including 10 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of the zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpSayhPHharQKTZvA

    Thanks everyone for participating! July’s artZINE will be in Sandy Hook, KY. We are still waiting to confirm the date and location.

    Larry K. Brumfield
    Kerry Bart
    Rosemary Topie
    David Ryan
    Sassa Wilkes
    Ken Swinson
    Lynn Goodman
    Mark Connelly

    Thanks everyone for participating…especially considering the wet weather.

    and a special thank you to Larry K. Brumfield for hosting this month’s artZINE.

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including the 10 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • artZINE May2018-Mt. Sterling, KY – NEVER AGAIN

    artZINE May2018-Mt. Sterling, KY – NEVER AGAIN

    May 31st, 2018 was our  9th monthly Art Zine in Mt. Sterling, KY. Our theme was – NEVER AGAIN. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here)to see /download/print all the pages from the zine (including the 15 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of our zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpRCLqZdp-dmWU8zh

    thanks everyone for participating! June’s ArtZINE will be in Barboursville on the 21st at Barboursville Park (Shelter #3) our theme is ‘THE LONGEST DAY’

    Kay Schafer
    Anna Tufono
    Vicki Wenz
    Melissa Smathers-Barnes
    Sue Ellen Gorman
    Gayle Massie
    Ken Swinson
    Suzanne Pick

    Thanks everyone for participating…and especially the Montgomery County Public Library for hosting May’s artZine.

    You can see/download a copy of the entire artZINE (including 15 handpainted covers) by clicking here.

  • Save The Date – May 31st – ArtZINE:Mt.Sterling, KY

    Save The Date – May 31st – ArtZINE:Mt.Sterling, KY

    save the date- May’s ArtZINE will be May31st in Mt. Sterling, Ky at the Montgomery County Public Library

    The theme for May’s ArtZINE is: NEVER AGAIN

    The idea for the ArtZine project is for artists (particularly those who live in small towns) to get to know each other by visiting each other’s communities, and making a self published magazine together. We are particularly excited to have the chance to visit Mt. Sterling, because it is a small town with an already thriving art and zine culture. The Gateway Regional Arts Center, located in Mt. Sterling, publishes the art/literary zine: uncommon Grackle.

    To participate in ArtZINE, create your entry to the ‘zine before the meet up:
    Take a sheet of letter sized paper, and fold it in half. That is the size of our zine. You can put whatever you want inside. it can be a drawing, poem, short story, photograph, collage, crossword puzzle, anything– We’ll have computers and a scanner available to put it in the layout.

    You can look at the artZINE’s photo albums to see examples of previous entries.

    On the day of the event, we will meet each other in person at the library, and work together to create the ‘zine covers, print and assemble the ‘zine.

    The activity is free and open to the public, all skill levels and types of art are welcome to join us.
    all participants get their own copy.
    Bring a lunch

    If you are on facebook, you can follow this link for more information, and to RSVP:

    See you there!

  • ArtZINE April 2018-Rabbit Hash, KY

    ArtZINE April 2018-Rabbit Hash, KY

    April 23, 2018 was our  8th monthly Art Zine in Rabbit Hash, KY. Our theme was – I REMEMBER WHEN. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here)to see /download/print all the pages from the zine (including the 26 different hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of our zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpAXO4oRsmRZQrPK6

    thanks everyone for participating! May’s ArtZINE will be in Mt. Sterling, KY  (date and location still TBD) our theme is ‘NEVER AGAIN’

  • April ArtZine: Rabbit Hash, KY – preview

    April ArtZine: Rabbit Hash, KY – preview

    We just completed our 8th ArtZine. Since September, we have visited a different small town to make a magazine about a different theme. Monday, April 23rd, we met in the Rabbit Hash Historical District to create work around the theme: I remember when…

    There was an overwhelming turnout (over 26 participants!) From different parts of Kentucky, Ohio and Indiana. It’ll take a few days until we publish the online edition, but here is a short (less than 2 minute) video preview. It features some of the different hand painted covers, as well as this month’s entries.

  • Make A Zine Meet Up – Brooksville, KY – LUCK

    Make A Zine Meet Up – Brooksville, KY – LUCK

    March 26, 2018 was our  Lucky 7th monthly Art Zine in Brooksville, KY. Our theme was – LUCK. Here are the pages. Click any of the images (or right here)to see the whole album (including all our hand painted covers).

    If you’d like to download and print your own copy of our zine, a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTpAXO4oRsmRZQrPK6

    thanks everyone for participating! Our next ArtZine will be April 23 at the Barn in Rabbit Hash, KY.

  • Make A Zine Meet Up – Olive Hill, KY – Love

    Make A Zine Meet Up – Olive Hill, KY – Love

    Feb 22, 2018 was our 6th monthly Art Zine in Olive Hill, KY. Our theme was – LOVE. Here are the pages. Click any of the images to see the whole album (including all our hand painted covers).
    You can download a printable PDF of the zine here:!AtHTtTOFjtUTowMHKIj8Gvf-9S_r

    thanks everyone for participating! Our next ArtZine will be March 26 at the Public Library in Brooksville, KY.
