Category: Log Cabin Print Shop

  • Honey bear

    Its open print day at the log cabin print shop. You are all welcome to visit and make prints with m3 from noon until 5pm. Today im carving this honeybear. Hopefully in time to print it too!

    woodcut of a bear holding a beehive 2/3rds complete
    woodcut work in progress of a bear holding a beehive
    Finished carving the bees and blossoms…now time to carve the bear!
    carved woodcut of a honeybear. ready to print!
    Finished carving. Time for ink!

    Stay tuned for updates!

  • open print day at the log cabin print shop

    photo of the log cabin print shop. a printmaking co op in old washington kentucky
    photo by Jim Turner

    Every Saturday the Log Cabin Print shop in Old Washington, KY is open to the public.

    artist ken swinson with photographer, chuck moore and daughter at the log cabin print shop
    photo by Dustin Cecil

    Last week we had a great turnout: Cinci photographer, Chuck Moore came with his daughter, Kennedy.

    artist ken swinson giving printmaking instruction at the log cabin print shop in old washigton kentucky
    photo by Chuck Moore

    Carter county multi media artist, Dustin Cecil, came to print on all sorts of different surfaces; paper, fabric, vinyl, boxer shorts, etc

    photo of carter county artist, dustin cecil at the press

    We even had a couple of suprise guest artists, our neighbors; Deb and Fred from Virginia!!!

    ken swinson at the log cabin printshop with deb and brad in old washington
    photo by Chuck Moore

    We love it when photographers come to visit.

    interior photo of the log cabin print shop in old washington kentucky antique press in the foreground logs and artwork in the background
    photo by Chuck Moore

    I’m usually too busy working with ink to to take any good photos, thanks to Chuck, we have some great images to remember the weekend. Thanks Chuck!

    printmaking at the log cabin print shop in old washington kentucky
    photo by Chuck Moore

    You can follow more of his work on the instagram: Chuck Moore

    and remember, if traditional printmaking looks like something you would like to do, you are welcome to stop by for a visit. The studio is free and open to the public every Saturday from noon-5pm