car loaded with art supplies…let’s go paint!these crocus flowers are such a welcome burst of life and color after a long winter. I’m going to use them as a model for a painting!I used my sketchbook to work out the composition, now it’s time to setup and paint!I was not a good scout, and showed up unprepared. I forgot to pack my tripod mount, so my paint box will just rest on the floor. Good thing I picked a subject so low to the ground! Time to get to work!artist, Betsy Adams is here from Ripley, Ohio painting in pastelConcord, Kentucky artist, Sue Ellen Gorman joined us-painting in acrylicsunderpainting for the crocus flower paintingstarting to add color to the painting!the finished painting! Spring Crocus flowers 8×10″ oil on hardboard – SOLD!
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Ken is a self-taught artist from rural Kentucky, whose work includes painting, printmaking, and pottery. He considers himself to be a 'lifetime learner' and uses art to explore and learn more about the world around him. Much of his work reflect his optimistic views on rural folk culture, river life and simple pleasures.
You can visit Ken every Final Friday of the month at studio 400 at the Pendleton Art Center in downtown Cincinnati or by appointment.