I’ve been busy at home carving and printing a new series of linocut notecards.
Here are the latest 3!!!
You can see all notecards by visiting the PRINTMAKING section from the menu at the top of this page.
Bear With Teapot
I’ve been home with a little bug, sipping hot herbal tea, and was inspired to carve (and print) this block print.
It’s made with an oil based ink, so it needs a few days to dry. I’m taking orders now, if you, or someone you know might like one of these notecards.

New block print notecards!
I’m SUPER EXCITED that printmaking season has started at my studio!
Here is my first group of linocut notecards:
The art is 6″x4.5″ printed on a 7×5″ notecard. The notecard is made from acid-free, heavyweight paper made with 100% post consumer recycled materials. The ink is made in Chicago, the paper made in Michigan (both about 5 hours from my studio). An envelope is included-so you can share my art by mail to your friends and family!!
These are a hand made products made by me in Old Washington, Kentucky. The designs are hand carved, inked by hand, then put through a hand cranked press. No computers or electricity involved.
you can see more of my printmaking work by clicking PRINTMAKING at the menu at the top of this page.
Thanks everyone for your support!
Old Washington Block Print Recarve
There’s nothing more agonizing for a printmaker than to carve a detailed block only to discover a TYPO.
I recently did this, and had to re-carve the whole block a second time. The good news is that it looks even better after the second time around AND you can support my work by visiting my website to add one of these note cards to your collection (or send to a friend–it includes an envelope if you want to surprise someone with snail mail)
Minnie Adkins Day Woodcut print
The third Saturday of July is officially Minnie Adkins Day in Elliott County Kentucky. I’m not ready to do any art shows until September, but Minnie gave me a call and asked if I would come to the annual Folk art show they have on Minnie Adkins Day.
There are just a small handful of people I will never say ‘no’ to, and Minnie is top of that list. I met her over 20 years ago, when I first moved to Kentucky. A dear, dear friend (Bertha), introduced me to Minnie at the Folk Art Shop in Augusta, KY. I could go on and on about important that moment was in developing my art and life philosophy, but I’ll save that for another time.
This Saturday, I’m going to be at Minnie Adkins Day in Sandy Hook, KY. I’m not going to have art for sale, but I’m bringing my old fashioned press, and am going to give a FREE educational printmaking activity! Guests will be invited to print their own 9×12″ woodcut poster, of Minnie Adkins!!! (i asked about the portrait first, and Minnie said she was OK with it)
This is a little bit of a spontaneous project…I’m just starting to carve the woodcut. the design is sketched out, to give you an idea of what it will look like. I wanted to share and give you a heads up as soon as possible, so you have time to free up your weekend and make your plans to come on over to Little Sandy Lodge in Sandy Hook, Elliott County, KY from 8am-4pm this Saturday! Hope to see you there!


i dont have a lot of experience as a portrait artist, so capturing a likeness im satisfied with does not always happen. my first try, green block on top of photo was a failure, but after recarving, this one gets closer to representing the joy and happiness i feel when thinking about Minnie and her art.
my hands are too cramped up to finish today, but i hope to finish and do a test print tomorrow.
Want one of these woodcuts?
you can print one with my old fashioned press as a FREE educational activity during Minnie Adkins Day, this saturday from 8am-4pm. im not going to sell these online or in my studio or galleries, so the only way to get one is to come see me and Minnie and the other folk artists at the Little Sandy Lodge, Sandy Hook KY.
Minnie is such an inspirational artist, friend and arts community leader–I can’t wait for her to see the woodcut I made in her honor. I sure hope she likes it!!!

Everyone is invited to come to Minnie Adkins Day and print this woodcut Saturday, the 17th of July from 8am-4pm (while supplies last) as a FREE educational printmaking activity. I’ll have my old fashioned press, and everything everything else you will need to make one. I’m not selling this woodcut online or in my studio or galleries. If you want one, the only way to get one is to come print it yourself.
of course, Minnie will be there, along with a bunch of her other folk artist friends. Elliott County is a great example of how the arts can thrive in a rural community…come and enjoy a day in the country with us!
See you saturday!

UPDATE July 16, 2021:
ok boys and girls, ive got some bad news…
The weather forecast for tomorrows Minnie Adkins day says its most likely going to be wet. i personally like rainy days, but a lot of moisture makes the metal gears and components of the press to rust, and rust will ruin the press.
Im disappointed that i wont be there to meet you in person and give the free educational hands on printmaking activity. instead, im printing as many Minnie woodcuts as i can today, and will deliver them to sandy hook this evening. i hate to think of any of my friends making the trip for a woodcut and being disappointed. just ask the folks at the lodge about the woodcuts, and they will have one for you…while they last. this gift from me will be my way of being there in spirit and honoring Minnie Adkins on her special day!
Ok, time for me to print!
SOS HUMAN RIGHTS-Cincinnati/Oaxaca woodcut

Earlier this year, i was invited to participate in a printmaking/cultural exchange by SOS ART that asked artists from Cincinnati and Oaxaca, Mexico to create a woodcuts addressing 12 different human rights. I was honored to have been asked to carve the cover page.This project was important to me, not only because I believe in human rights, but Cincinnati and Oaxaca are both special places that have become part of my identity as an artist. There are differences between the people of the USA and Mexico (like the language difference) that make it hard to realize our shared humanity. One of the magical things about the arts is they transcend spoken language and give us an opportunity to better know one another.Being part of this project was a wonderful experience, I hope you will look at the whole collection, and support SOS ART if you are able. Follow this link to see the whole collection:https://sosartcincinnati.com/gallery/
Have Art, Will Travel
HAVE ART, WILL TRAVEL!we artists have had to get more creative than ever to get through these times. Im trying something new, a mobile, outdoor, social distance print gallery. I can’t be too careful. yesterday, mason county had the highest new infection rate per 100,000 in all of kentucky!!! I probably shouldn’t even be doing this, but the people need art!If this doesn’t work with art, I might try the same with “cheap” rolex watches! Lol!

This Too Shall Pass – Art In the time of Corona
I entered a new Woodcut poster to the SOS ART exhibit ‘Art In The Time Of Corona’

You can tho online show “Art In The Time Of Corono” here: https://sosartcincinnati.com/art-in-the-time-of-corona…/ Here is the woodcut I made for the exhibit. Hope you enjoy the show. Please share with your friends to help spread the word!
new stamp!
I take a lot of pride in hand carving and printing my woodcuts and linocuts, and worry that people who aren’t familar with printmaking don’t understand what they are looking at. I designed a new stamp to put on the back of all my notecards.

Now instead of just my website, there’s a visual cue to illustrate the unique process that goes into the work.
new brayer and sheep dog linocut at the log cabin print shop

We have a new brayer at the log cabin print shop!

It’s a heavy duty piece of equipment; with a 2 1/2″ diameter. Giving it a much wider roll out. I can print almost 3 prints without having to re-ink the brayer. The roller surface is rubber, which is MUCH more durable than the craft brayers we have been using.
How do you like the print of the dog herding sheep? You can get a better look at the linocut, with information on how you can add it to your art collection here:
Sheep Herding Dog- Linocut$25.00